So, have you finally outgrown your shared hosting plan? Now, are you confused about which hosting plan to upgrade to? This article will give you an idea of Virtual Private Server (VPS) and when you should upgrade from shared hosting to VPS
What is shared web hosting?
As the name implies, shared web hosting is the one in which the resources of one server are shared among many websites. This sharing of resources allows hosting providers to offer affordable plans.
Shared web hosting has its limitations, but it’s ideal when you are first starting. However, with the growth of your website, shared hosting may prove to be insufficient in fulfilling your needs. The obvious solution to that is upgrading your hosting plan from shared to VPS.
What is a virtual private server (VPS)?
VPS hosting lies somewhere between shared hosting and dedicated server. It mimics the affordability of shared hosting and the functionality of a dedicated server.
VPS hosting is based on the concept of the server (virtual) within a server. Like shared hosting, all the websites are still hosted on a single physical server. But they don’t share RAM, storage, CPU or IP address with other users. And that is made possible by the use of virtualization technology.
Virtualization technology split that one server into many virtual servers. So, you have your own private space with a dedicated allotment of resources.
When to consider an upgrade?
Sandbox environment
So, there are two things you need to know: a sandbox and a production server. A production server is where the content of your website is being hosted. A sandbox refers to a completely isolated environment where you can play with your raw ideas without compromising the functionality of your website.
Speed and performance
Unlike shared hosting, you are no longer sharing the server resources. You have your dedicated RAM, CPU and storage, which significantly improves your site’s performance.
Over time, your site will grow. You will add tons of new content, attract new visitors, and all that will take a toll on your server’s resources. Consequently, your site’s loading time will be affected. So, if your website is consistently running slow, it’s a sign to upgrade your hosting plan.
Greater freedom
Want to make some server-level changes? Too bad a shared hosting plan doesn’t allow that. VPS hosting not only allows you to change your server’s settings but also permits the installation of custom software and advanced programming.
SEO Ranking
Despite all your efforts, if you’re not seeing any improvement in your SEO game, the problem can be in your hosting. See, in shared hosting, all the websites are sharing the same IP address, which implies that the blacklisting of any one website may affect the others.
You should opt for VPS hosting if you want to level up the security. Shared hosting makes you vulnerable to cross-site contamination. Furthermore, you’re also affected by malicious activities on and by the other websites.
VPS hosting involves a dedicated IP address that’s unique to you and saves you from the abovementioned troubles.

Shared hosting is ideal only at the beginning stage of your online journey. Over time, the limitations of a shared hosting plan will appear and you’ll have to consider an upgrade. The most obvious up-gradation choice is to move to a VPS hosting plan.
We already covered what VPS hosting is and when you should upgrade from shared hosting to VPS. And if you are already convinced about going for an up-gradation, then check out our VPS hosting plan, which comes with managed VPS and self managed VPS options.