We have put together a list of the top 10 sites offering high-quality free stock images that are not overused.
The issue with free stock images is over-usage. Everyone knows about Unsplash, Pixels and Pixabay offering stunning images. These images are used on every alternate website and social media post.
Your website visitors have seen these stock images, again and again, multiple times. Overused free stock images make your website less unique, irrespective of the unique theme and UI.
List of top 10 sites for stock photos that are not overused
1. Canva

Canva offers a free plan that includes hundreds of thousands of beautiful high-quality pictures and everything you need to start designing your custom graphics.
Canva’s photo collection has earned huge appreciation from millions of users. If you are a blogger or just looking for free high-quality photos for your content, Canva has everything you need.
The free plan includes over 250,000+ free templates, 100+ design types for social media and 5GB of cloud storage. Canva offers its premium pro plan for free to classrooms and non-profits.
Canva’s official website: https://www.canva.com
2. Crello

Similar to Canva, Crello offers a free starter plan that includes over 1 million premium images. Also included in the free plan is a graphic design tool to help you create impressive content in minutes.
The free plan restricts design downloads to 5 per month but does include access to 200M+ royalty-free stock files from Depositphotos.
Crello official website: https://crello.com
3. Envato Elements

Envato Elements is paid subscription but is worth a mention here as it offers good value for money. New customers can sign up for a free 7days trial and enjoy unlimited downloads across all the products.
It is the only creative subscription you need as it includes a massive collection of digital assets. Members also get free access to Tuts+ online courses.
Envato Elements digital assets include
- 53M+ Photos & 20,000+ Fonts
- 68,000+ Graphic & 170,000+ Graphic templates
- 2,100,000+ Stock video & 40,000+ Video templates
- 3,800+ WordPress assets including premium themes, plugins and template kits
Envato Elements official website: https://elements.envato.com
4. StockSnap

StockSnap.io proudly claims they carefully choose only the highest quality images from a huge pool of submissions, and I fully agree with their claim. They offer an ever-expanding collection of the best, most beautiful stock images available for free under a single, simple CC0 license.
StockSnap official website: https://stocksnap.io
5. Reshot

Referred to as a community on a mission, Reshot has helped aspiring photographers to feature their creativity. Their well-curated photos are free and useful for specific purposes.
Reshot official website: https://www.reshot.com
6. unDraw

unDraw offers quality illustrations with customizable colours. Launched in 2017, unDraw has grown unexpectedly to be used by organisations like Google, Microsoft and Facebook.
unDraw official website: https://undraw.co
7. Picjumbo

Operated by a creative young photographer, Picjumbo is a small effort to encourage all those aspiring talents who are not getting opportunities to prove themselves.
The creator of this website has gone through a lot of rejections from popular stock free websites and that’s when he decided to make his own. Picjumbo has a thriving stock free image community where you can always find masterpieces to showcase in your content.
Picjumbo official website: https://picjumbo.com
8. Pikwizard

Pikwizard not only offers incredible free stock images but, there is also a design wizard that enables users to perform basic edits before downloading. There is a paid version that contains a complete online photo editing panel.
Pikwizard official website: https://pikwizard.com
9. Rawpixel

On this platform, you will have the most diverse and unique collection of free stock images. There is public domain content like Japanese wood panel prints, PSD mockups and vectors for businesses in need.
The thing that differs Rawpixel from the rest of the free stock websites is their contribution towards humanity. Their paid version is utilized to help a non-profit organization named Hope for Children.
Rawpixel official website: https://www.rawpixel.com
10. Burst by Shopify

Burst is a free stock photo platform by Shopify offering stunning stock images, perfect for blogs and websites. It has a massive collection of photos ideal for an e-commerce store and new entrepreneur.
Burst official website: https://burst.shopify.com
Wrapping Up
Now you know the various stock image websites, it’s time to create a stunning website for your business or blog. Check out our website builder and web hosting packages offering amazing value for money.