Google is famous for countless reasons; one of which is Google Search. Users appreciate the platform for being the source of valuable knowledge; but, are you making the most of their features? Have you got enough insight that can help you to avail as many benefits from Google Search as possible? If not, then this is the perfect place to do it now. Let’s have a look at 10 Google search tips and tricks that can make your Google search more efficient and result-oriented.
How Does Google Search Work?
Before you get into the details of how to bring the best out of Google Search, it’s important to know how it works. As you would know that Google has a separate page called How Search Works, it enables users to know the essence and reasons behind its existence.
The thing that makes this read worthwhile is Google’s continuous update for its algorithm that allows users to get accurate results. Once you have gone through how search works article jump straight into tips and tricks that can make your search effective.
10 Google Search Tips
1. Use descriptive words

When it comes to constructing a search query, always start with descriptive search terms, also use Google’s auto-complete suggestion. The more keywords you will use, the better-targeted results you will get. In other words, the more descriptive you become, the better information you will get.
2. Narrow the Search with the Minus Operator (-)
Have you ever got into a situation where you searched something and the results came out completely different? This usually happens when terms have multiple meanings. So, what you will need to do is to use the ‘underrated’ minus operator to eliminate unwanted results. For instance, the search results for the insect ‘caterpillar’ could include references from Caterpillar Inc. Use the search terms as a caterpillar –Inc.
3. Use Exact Phrases with Quotation Marks
You cannot always remember all phrases or sentencing appearing on your screen to recall them after a while. What you can do then? Simply use quotation marks with the phrases you want to search so that Google Search can revert to the relevant words and pages.
4. Prefer Stop Words
Google normally excludes small common words like the, a, and, because they can slow down search frequency. Confused? Let’s talk with an example: when you search ‘how to write a good letter,’ Google automatically deletes ‘how’ and ‘a’ from the sentence and generates a smaller search term.
This usually brings out irrelevant results as well so, what you will need to do is to use + operator because the excluded word to command Google not to eliminate it from the search. For instance, in the above sentence, write + how to write + a good letter. Relevant pages will appear in the Google Search.
5. Eliminate the Suffixes
Ideally, you should go for the base words so that all relevant pages will appear on the screen. You should type bird instead of birds and walk instead of walking. However, if you are searching for the activity ‘walking,’ then enter the entire word to be more specific.
6. Find the Similar Pages
Finding information for the keyword is a bit tricky on Google because when you search, some web pages appear with the least information on the page. Not every detail would be relevant to your requirement. So, what you will need to do is to use Google’s related: operator. It will list down specified pages.
7. Advanced Search Page is Useful

You don’t necessarily have to learn Google’s complicated search operators. To fine-tune your results, use another feature Advanced Search page, which you can access through Google’s official website, without handling the advanced operators. Just make relevant selections on the page and search results will meet your requirements.
8. Use Visual Search Results
Visual examples are a good source of getting to the desired search results. You can click on Google’s Videos or Images tabs to see the visual results of your keywords. Even, you can use pictures to proceed with your search. Simply drag an image into the Google Search bar and it will scan its features to list down relevant pages and posts.
9. Find Credibility of the Source
Google Search has a built-in tool to trace unfamiliar and doubtful websites. While looking at the results, click on the three vertical dots at the top right to see contextual details about the website or web page. You can know why Google has shown this specific website and can make a better decision about whether to visit it in the future or not.
10. Use Browser History
Sometimes, you might be jumbling among multiple web pages and end up leaving some of them, then suddenly you remember that those details came to you earlier but you couldn’t recall that web’s name at that time. What would you do? You can either try to remember the keywords or just filter your browser’s history to find that web page.
Wrapping Up
Google is a source of valuable knowledge and a very powerful search tool. Using the above-outlined tips you can search more efficiently and get better search results.
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